想进名牌大学但中期成绩不理想? 对数学物理化学等学科心灰意冷?想赶上AI时代潮流? 想迅速提高分数? 多伦多教育局注册牛顿教学Newton eSchool助你一臂之力。学校汇集多伦多大学、滑铁卢大学、皇后大学、约克大学等名校,安省注册教师资格的高质量教师团队,为孩子们进入理想大学保驾护航。
我们提供提供线上/线上/远程9-12 年级高中学分以及12年级大学预科学分课程,各类数理化课后补习课程。以及Python w/ AI, BCC, CCC及黑客比赛课程。精英教学是我们的宗旨。
学校主讲教师郑教授和老师曾获得加拿大政府奖学金和多伦多大学入学奖学金。平均分97%, 微积分和矢量99%,高等函数98%,数据管97%,物理98%的学霸优异成绩考入多伦多大学电子工程系,早年也成为安省注册工程师。也在国内完成数学硕士和博士课程,后来入读皇后大学安省教师认证科目。30多年补习辅导各大学和高中的数学物理化学,性格外向和对教育充满热诚,能引导和激发起学生的学习兴趣,同时非常耐心,肯定能帮助学生迅速提高成绩,顺利完成大学学位和考入理想大学。
SAT数学,G9 to G12 数学,物理,化学,英语,生物,会计,电脑,科学补习
多伦多大学微积分Calculus(课程编号M133, M135 and M235....)
大学线性代数 Linear Algebra
大学物理 Physics多大(semiconducto physics, dynamics, microwave 131, 132, 140)
费用:$600/科, 线上教学。
Teacher achieved Canada scholarship I and finished Electrical Engineering from University of Toronto. Teacher completed Bachelor of Education from Queen's University and became Ontario Certified Teacher. We got 20 years' experience in tutoring in Grade 1 to 12 Math, Chemistry, Physics. Teacher got 99% on Math and Physics subjects.
Teacher's excellent communication skills can take confusion out of the complex and very abstract topics. Thus make challenging concepts easier to grasp. We can accurately assess student comprehension and tweak the learning experience upon necessity.
Our passion inspires our students and pass on the same enthusiasm to them. we are good motivator to continue improving, introducing new learning opportunities and enhancing education skills.
We are very experienced in tutoring all G1 to G12 school subjects:
Grade 9 to G12 Math and all subjects:
SAT Math test preparation
G9 Math MPM1D
G10 Math MPM2D
MCR3U Functions
MCF3M Functions and Applications
MBF3C Foundations for College Mathematics
MHF4U Advanced Functions
MCV4U Calculus and Vectors
MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management
MCT4C Mathematics for College-Technology
MAP4C Foundations for College Mathematics
SPH3U Physics
SPH4C Physics
SCH3U Chemistry
SCH4U Chemistry
University math physics and chemistry
U of T Calculus M133, M135 and M235.... Linear Algebra
Physics (Semiconductor physics, dynamics, microwave 131, 132, 140)