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Elite Counselling Beyond 心灵健康会所(保险报销)

联  系  人:
Kitty Chai (英语/国语)

Elite Counselling Beyond 心理健康会所(保险报销)

Address: 10271 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 325, Richmond Hill, OntarioL4C 3B5

Tel: 647-229-6332 (我们提供15分钟的免费咨询服务,请致电647-229-6332.)

E-mail: [email protected]


Elite Counselling Beyond 心理健康会所的咨询团队的每位咨询师都有过硬的资质和丰富的经验,我们的注册咨询师均长期在多伦多地区各大医院从事心理咨询工作,精通英语、普通话、广东话、韩语、波斯语、俄罗斯语、法语等。我们与精神专科医生(psychiatrist)有密切的合作,可以及时转介优质的专家,缩短您的等候时间。

我们的公司网页是 https://www.elitecounsellingbeyond.ca

Kitty是我们团队的首席咨询师,是由Psychology Today和安省社工协会认证的心理咨询师。

Kitty在多伦多从事心理咨询和心理健康服务15 年,有着丰富的经验,曾就职教育局、法院、诊所、社区机构,现就职多伦多地区大型医院急诊科危机与心理健康部门,为包括儿童、青少年和成人的所有年龄组提供心理咨询和治疗服务。

Kitty 在与心理健康和成瘾的方面拥有丰富的经验,尤其擅长焦虑、抑郁、情绪管理、家庭与社会关系、家庭暴力和虐待、创伤后遗症、成瘾(游戏、偷盗等)、职业发展等

擅长法院、警察局、CAS 等机构要求的各类精神评估,好评无数。




I strongly recommend Kitty. She is incredible and really provides assistance to me. I used to be a person filled with bad emotions, with her assistance I know where those thoughts come from, how to cope with them, and how to become a better person.    - W.F.


I'm truly grateful to Kitty for taking me in during the worst time of my life. She provided professional help to deal with the extremely stressful situation around me and my son. Kitty has extensive hospital and mental health clinic experience that effectively improves our quality of life. I express my million thanks to her and would highly recommend her service to anyone in need of therapy.         - M.C.


My daughter and I had a very good experience with Kitty. She was the first therapist who supported my daughter to get out of self harm behavior and suicidal thoughts. The holistic approach of her practice was the home base for my daughter's recovery. I have often recommended her to others because she is attentive and wise! The location is great and free parking is provided on Yonge St in Richmond Hill downtown.        - J.C.


I've been bouncing from counsellor to counsellor for years before finally coming to Kitty. It's the safest I felt and I really connected with my therapist. I can finally start recovering.            - D.Z.

