童老师阅读写作班 & 私校入学备考/SSAT专业辅导
Tong_Y (英语/国语)

童老师毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院,英语语言教学研究生。二十多来年潜心于英语教学和研究,形成一套独到的教学系统。培养的学生均以90%以上高分考入多大附中(UTS),UCC, Cresent  School, Branksome Hall, Havergal等著名私校。

心理语言学家Eric Lenneberg认为,人的一些能力是自然获得的,如走路,说话,而写作技能一定要通过训练得到。就象弹琴,画画一样,我们一定要有老师的指导训练才能学会怎样弹好琴,画好画。不少家长认为只要通过大量阅读,写作水平就会自然提高。其实不然。虽然阅读对写作有一定的帮助,但阅读只是接受能力(Receptive ability),而写作需要产出的能力(Productive ability)。写作是一种综合的能力,它包含五大技巧:主题 (main idea), 细节 (details), 选词(word choice), 句型流畅(Sentence fluency)和篇章结构(organization)。这些技能一定要通过系统有效的指导和大量的练习才能获得。


* 改变阅读习惯,学会把读书的积累运用到写作中。大部分学生读书的主要目的是获得知识和乐趣, 他们的注意力主要集中在故事情节和人物特征上。我将教会学生学会怎样观察和体悟到生动形象的用语和微妙微肖的描述,加上写作五大技能的系统训练, 学生将把阅读的接受能力转换为写作的产出能力。

*改变写作习惯:我把我的学生分为两大类,话闸子型和三言两语型。 第一类滔滔不绝,重复不断,到了三五句才说到点子。第二类像个羞羞哒哒的小姑娘,要么轻描淡写,要么范范而谈。下面看一个例子:


My soccer coach yells at me during practice to run faster and harder ,but I found it very hard to run faster. My lungs have a hard time getting air when I run fast. My hard work is paying off though. We are now winning games on my soccer team. We’re really excited to win more games.


"Move it, slow-legs! Even the snails will beat you in a race." My soccer coach barks at me during practice. His beady eyes are glaring at those lagging behind. He pushes me to run faster, but I can barely keep up with the team. My legs ache, my heart pounds, and my lungs wheezeThe last 100 meter feels like a marathon. Practice is hard for me, but it’s all paying off. We’re winning some games! Since we started running more and learning new plays, our team has beaten three of our toughest opponents. Way to go, team!

By Sean Tao

在我的指导下,第二篇的修改融合了选词, 细节, 句子流畅三大技巧。 Sean运用了明喻The last 100 meter feels like a marathon. 暗喻 slow-legs, 夸张 Even the snails will beat you in a race, 句子平衡结构 My legs ache, my heart pounds, and my lungs wheeze. 一个穿着球服,跑得气喘嘘,满头大汗的小男孩形象跃然纸上。

当然写作五大技巧最难的是主题的构思和表达,在每写一篇文章前,我会选用多年收集的各类精彩,篇幅适中的好范文给学生在主题,文体等方面分析引导, 加上写作的五大技巧(主题, 细节, 选词,句型流畅和篇章结构)的系统严谨训练,通过大量的练习,您的孩子一定会写出清晰完整,生动形象的好文章。

童老师英语写作室招收4~10 年级学生,全英文小班授课,保证每个学生都有一对一辅导。

                          Gr 4- 5  Intensive Reading & Creative Writing

                          Gr 6-7   Intensive Reading & Expository Writing

                          Gr 8-9   Critical Reading & Persuasive Writing

Tony An  2011年2月参加童老师英语写作室. Turning Points Essay Contest 已有23年的历史. Tony 的 A Pair of Socks 在几千个参赛作品中以流畅的文笔,生动形象的用词获第三名.您也可进入www.thelearningpartnership.ca 了解更多的情况.


Greater Toronto Area, Ontario



On Fri, Jan 27, 2023, 6:37 p.m. Suri Li <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Ms.Tong,

I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I received a Gold Key award in the Canadian region short story category in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. My work is being considered for the national level awards, and I'll find out about the results in March.

More importantly, I know I'm one year late, but I wanted to thank you for guiding me to become a better writer. I genuinely enjoyed every class I participated in because I was able to constantly refine my craft. Being one of your students in such a crucial time period in discovering my identity as a writer has sculpted the way I look at literature (the approach, the structure, the logic, the craft etc). Even now, I find myself thinking about the strategies and critical eye you taught us when writing short stories and completing school assignments.

Thank you so much!


Suri Li

                       SSAT & UTS(多大附中)入学考试专业辅导






· 辅导的第一名学生在短短6个月内以99%高分考入UTS。获得入学奖学金


· 学生Johathan来加拿大刚两年,其英语水平仅相当于小学3-4年级,经7个月辅导,SSAT考分竟达98% 效果惊人!




· 针对每个学生的特点和需要,量身定做训练计划。


· 启发引导,培养学生的思维与逻辑推理能力。


· 传授高效的学习和应试技巧,教会学生制定学习计划,学会有效时间管理,事半功倍。


· UTS及其它私校面试指导和模拟训练。帮助学生信心十足通过面试,梦想成真!




Susan Zhang:I had a hard time remembering the vocabulary of SSAT before I came to Ms. Tong. She made vocabulary learning both fun and challenging. She taught me a very effective way of learning and remembering vocabulary that I didn't have to memorize new words mechanically. With her help, my vocabulary was increased by 1,500 within just two months' time. The reading strategies that Ms. Tong taught me was so helpful that my reading speed and skills were greatly improved. When I got my SSAT result of 99%, I felt very thankful for Ms. Tong's help.


Jonathan Zheng:Unbelievable SSAT results that I never dreamed of.  98% achieved with the help of Ms. Tong in 7 months. I came to Canada for only two years when my parents pushed me to study SSAT. It was a huge challenge for me because I was still struggling with my schoolwork.  I've learned a lot from Ms. Tong: vocabulary-building strategy, key test taking techniques, time management, and so on. Most importantly, Ms. Tong not only helped me develop academic skills, she also put all her efforts into building my confidence and motivating me to excel.

